seashell art
The passion for collecting shells and creating art with them is something that has been in my family for three generations. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t know all of the common names for the multitudes of species found on our local beaches. Our home was always decorated with them. I grew up near Sanibel Island, which is world renowned for its unparalleled shelling opportunities. For those of us who have caught the shelling bug, the fun is in the hunt. No matter how many you have, it never seems to be enough, and the thrill of finding something special never gets old. The sea is always turning up beautiful treasures for those willing to look for them. These days, I have an entire room devoted to my shells and shell art! In my work, I try to use as many local shells as possible that I hand select myself, but I do incorporate purchased shells from around the world to widen my variety of materials. In my shop, I offer ornaments, decorative boxes, photo frames, mirrors, hair accessories, and various wall hangings including seashell seahorses and turtles, and framed shells.